Diet can also play a part in the development of tonsilloliths. Dairy products, for example, could actually increase the chances of developing them. Because they contain calcium and could contribute to the formation of mucus, dairy products should be consumed with moderation.
Alcohol is also prohibited in case of Tonsilloliths. So is tobacco. If you smoke and drink alcohol, it will not only worsen your breath problems, but also lead to the drying of the mouth and throat and, eventually, to the formation of tonsil stones. Your Own Carelessness! In many cases, poor oral hygiene can also cause tonsilloliths. If you let the bacteria in your mouth thrive, and food particles accumulate, there is a high probability they will soon lead to tonsil problems. Tonsilloliths treatment starts with a proper oral hygiene.
This is the natural way to prevent the annoying tonsil stones from forming. Eliminating the causes of a health condition is the best way to get rid of it. If you want to learn more about the causes and their treatment, you can also check out the book Banish Tonsil Stones, by Diane Puttman.